Tomi Lebrero

A classic, probably my favorite Blogotheque's Take Away Shows after all those years, one long sequence shot in one take only - a night drinking and playing music in a bar with friends. I was in Buenos Aires for two weeks, running around the city to hear musicians and to decide with whom to film. I met Tomi in a house concert one night, and the intense party left me just with a melody in mind - "la, la, lala, la, lala, la, lala..." was ringing in my damaged head the next morning. I knew clearly I only wanted to film that song, and had to insist heavily to find a time in Tomi's schedule. I remember him sending me a last minute message while i was filming with another band - "ok we can meet up in one hour at my favorite bar in town" - I ran there, called some other friends, and we made a wonderful 'photo souvenir' of that time. I realized on that night that one of the reason I was making films was to remember.

  • Vincent Moon