Squarepusher: Detroit People Mover

哀愁漂う音楽に、人類がいなくなった世界に、まだ人類が活動していた頃の過去からメッセージが送られてくるかのような映像。Terminal Slamの活動が爆発している映像から一転してゾンビ化した映像へ。


The video is a communique from a past world where humanity was an active concept, but savaged by plaintive music. It sends a message from the past, when humanity was still an active concept in the world, but disappeared from the effects of sorrowful music.

From the explosive shock of Terminal Slam's activities to the zombie video. In its original intent one may have been able to enjoy this contrast as purely fiction, but under the current circumstances a whole new facet seems applicable.