KINK follows Reed Amber, a porn maker and YouTuber fighting for sexual freedom against pornography censorship and the Digital Economy Act. The short also features Pandora Blake who is at the forefront of the sexual liberties campaign as well as footage from an Erika Lust porn shoot.
Reed and her friend Florence run a popular YouTube channel which gives sex advice to thousands of subscribers. Together they make and film pornography and campaign to keep British kinks out of the hands of lawmakers.
Age verification laws set to go into effect in December this year in the U.K. along with strict state net neutrality laws in the US that threaten sites that provide an alternative voice for minorities and the LGBT+ community.
In a climate of internet censorship there is a continued fight in parliament, with age verification proposals threatening our private information and the businesses of countless independent pornography producers. These are the people fighting for our sexual liberties and internet freedoms.