Directed by Soft Boy Records co-founder Kojaque, is a nod to Kean’s mis-behaving alter ego - a modern day love story filled with passion, danger and regret.
Dog Person is the deserved culmination of a whirlwind few years for Kean. His debut project, the ten-track collection prominently features the aforementioned semi-fictional, cigarette-bumming, binge-drinking, lovestruck alter-ego. A persona with just an echo of his real personality reverberating throughout the record.
“Before any of the songs were written I knew I was going to call the album ‘Dog Person’... That just cracked me up. It was funny to think of this demented half-dog, half-person… But then that led me to this character, this shittier version of myself. The procrastinating side of me. The side of me out drinking to get away from that. I liked the idea of that duality, that Jekyll & Hyde situation.”