Jacolby Satterwhite: Reifying Desire 3

In his Reifying Desire series, Satterwhite inserted his own body into digital worlds that he constructed based on his late mother Patricia’s drawings. Because he uses green screens, rather than an entirely digitally created avatar, he has to physically act out the scenarios he depicts; in a sense he’s presenting a real body within a computer generated space. Satterwhite’s work is queer in the most obvious sense. He depicts queer sex, references leather fetish and voguing, and the six pieces which make up Reifying Desire are structured around a queered gestation cycle. But more than this, his approach both to the medium he uses, and to familial relationships, is inherently queer. Satterwhite turned to digital animation having found that he needed to reject painting because of the history of oppression attached to it. His mother suffered from schizophrenia, and there’s an uncommon intimacy in using the drawings she produced as the foundation for his work.