Harmony Korine on Letterman again

Two years later, and promoting his new novel, the incredibly-or-horribly-offensively named — I cannot decide! — A Crack Up At The Race Riots, Harmony is older, scruffier, allegedly more into crack, and if not wiser, then at least more witty. “I wanted to write The Great American Novel,” he tells Letterman about the book, one page of which says simply GRACE JONES LIKES TO BONE in the author’s own wild handwriting. “Or a novel. I just wanted it to be American.” When Letterman asks “did you see Titanic? 200 million. Now that’s a movie,” his response is similarly ice-cool: “I know it sank…I’d like to do the sequel.”

Korine ended up appearing as a guest on Letterman three times before eventually being banned, not for appearing to be drugged up to the eyeballs every time, but for attempting to rob Meryl Streep. "I went upstairs to greet Meryl and welcome her to the show, and I knock on the door … and she was not in there," Letterman explained in 2013. "And I looked around, and she was not in there, and I found Harmony going through her purse. True story.” “I felt pretty debased and lost [then],” the director had shrugged in his own defense. “I became like a tramp.”

  • Philippa Snow